FaRMFiT Sports


FaRMFiT is about connecting people with people through empathetic eyes.

To provide professional development in athletics, academics, cultural understanding, and life skills through a FaRMFiT mindset.

To establish a culture of professionalism, determination, acceptance, and understanding.

To provide players, coaches, and support staff all with a safe environment.

To develop competencies in physical literacy by increasing motivation, confidence, physical competencies, knowledge, understanding, and lifelong engagement in a healthy lifestyle.

To keep this short, so we can spend more time learning, we have been working with athletes since 2005 throughout Asia and Canada. Placed student athletes in prep school who have later earned scholarships to university. Encouraging further development in the mind, body and soul which has lead to achieving professional aspirations in sports. All in, we have been about building solid citizens.

Ted Nolan

Working with Ted Nolan in Fort McKay


Punch turn